Saturday, May 23, 2020

I Am the World - 1431 Words

I AM THE WORLD Translation by Karlo Antonio G. David My translation of Alejandro Abadilla’s poem â€Å"ako ang daigdig† has proven to be the most popular post in my blog thus far. Many of the search items that led people to the post indicate that an analysis was being sought. This consequently gave me the idea of making an analysis of my own. Here, I will make a close reading of the poem. I will proceed by using English, but will focus on the original Filipino text. Later I shall attempt to translate my analysis to Filipino as a contribution to Filipino Intellectual consciousness. â€Å"Ako ang daigdig† comes in the form of a declaration spoken in the first person, with the persona describing him/herself. Among the descriptions the speaker†¦show more content†¦The third section ends: â€Å"damdamin/larawan/buhay/tula/ako† (â€Å"feeling/image/life/poem/I†), which we can interpret as a movement of reduction and expansion, from feelings to image (solidity of specification), from image to life (which is to say the image becomes representative of life), from life to poem (the structuralist eschewing of the external world’s influence in meaning), ending with the insistent†I,† which we can interpret in two ways: that the poem’s feelings, images and life are all expressed by the poem’s mere being (again, MacLeish); or, continuing that interpretation of the vain poem, the poem’s insistence to mean (and consequently its insistence to declare its being a poem) ruins the feelings, images, life, and wha t little poetry there is in the text (instead of being a piece of expression, of image or a reflection of life, the text betrays its attempt too much that the attempt distracts the reader from the message). If we interpret the poem to be a declaration by the human being as a reader, however, the elements of the poem take on different meanings. The persona’s description of him/herself as â€Å"the world of the poem† reflect the reader-response theory of literary reading: the meaning of texts comes entirely from the reader, who ascribes meaning unto the signs presented toShow MoreRelatedI Am On Top Of The World1509 Words   |  7 PagesI m on top of the world. At least, it feels like I am. On my giant of a dad s shoulders, I can see for what seems like miles down the high street in York. My little face is taken up by a smile: I am like other little girls, out for a day with both parents. Days in the park, birthdays and Christmases together...a life with both parents unfurls before me in dazzling golds and pinks. But this fades out within a month. Promises to stay in contact are forgotten. This is the start of a yo-yo relationshipRead MoreI Am Born On The World1238 Words   |  5 Pages2011). 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